Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer Fun :)

I've been having sooo much fun hanging out by the lake with my family and friends this summer!  Casey and I have been so busy I just realized I only have 3 weeks left before I'm back to Westhope.  Don't get me wrong, I miss Westhope and my classroom, but the weather has just been PERFECT here!  Even though I've been enjoying my summer vacation, I still have been working on "school stuff".  I've finished one book study and am working on another.  I've pinned TONS of cute projects to work on, and I've redesigned many of my lessons.  I know all teachers enjoy their vacation, but I haven't met many who can turn off their "school" brain.  We're always thinking of new ways to approach lessons, redesigning the layouts of our classroom, or looking to redecorate.  To all my teacher friends, enjoy the last bit of summer vacation, the school supplies are already coming out :)